- Loaded Dungeon is a 2D Maze Shooter Game
- This was made as a mini project in my third year of Computer Science Engineering
- I worked on the programming art and music for this project
- Unity C# and FLstudio were used
- It is a downloadable game for Windows :
- Gameplay includes shooting enemies which are spawned in the maze
- The maze is covered in darkness and only the player’s immediate surroundings are visible
- This provides a chalenge since there is low visibility
- The player has a power to slow down time, which recharges when enemies are killed
- Bigger enemies multiply into two enemies when killed
- The Game supports mouse/keyboard as well as all gamepads
- There is haptic feedback for gamepads
- The main Objective of the game is reach the end of the level
Stuff learned#
- Learned how to use unity’s 2D tilemap
- Learned how to create basic pixel art character with animations
- Learned 2D lighting setup for a scene in unity and post processing
- Used the A* pathfinding project for enemy pathfinding
- Used the new input system with Unity to support all input types
- Learned about various post processing effects and how to trigger them through code
- Learned how to make Cyberpunk music in FL Studio this includes distortion filters and slide notes
- Learned how to program haptic feedback for certain player actions
- At this point I had minimal experience with Unity.
- I was working at an internship which was about to turn into a fulltime job
- By the end of the development of this game I had a fulltime job
- I was extremely discouraged when the viva examiner did not consider a game to be a valid project
- The Indian education system is backward and resists change (or maybe this was a tier 3 college thing)
- This is the reason why there is no devlog for this game.
- Also the sound effect used for the time stop is literally dio’s time stop effect from JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure