- Cyberbird is a hoverboard simulator made with synthwave aesthetic
- It was made in 2 days for the GMTK gamejam 2021
- Four people were involved in the project
- I was responsible for the programming, we had a voice actor, a 3D artist and a Sound designer.
- The Game is playable on a windows PC:
- Gameplay includes moving on a hoverboard and deflecting bullets
- There is a second camera on your bird which can scout ahead
- The bird can teleport the player to higher platforms
- This was very ambitious for 2 days and hence has some bugs
Stuff learned#
- Never overscope a project
- Managing people takes a lot of time, communication is a skill
- Learned How to create a ragdoll in Unity, fade music dynamically
- Also learned how to transition between cinemachine cameras
- Take breaks when required, the crunch is not worth it.
- A smaller complete project is always better than a bigger project with bugs
- Devlog / Making of Cyberbird :
- At this point I had experience with Unity but had never worked in a team
- I was working at a job where I made hypercasual games
- Cyberpunk and synthwave was really popular (still is) back then
- I decided to make in the synthwave aesthetic but with random people
- The sound designer was form spain
- The 3D artist was from Singapore
- The Voice Actor was from Dubai
- Here I realized that timezones can cause a problem as well